
Every hotel is situated in some of the most beautiful areas of our English countryside or in the centre of our more historic cities.

The Brownsword Group have created arguably the most iconic collection of historic countryside and city centre hotels in the UK. The opportunity now is to break new ground and deliver commercial change within the business that will drive further success leading to continual growth and development of the group. The ambition of the business is to attract a CCO that can manage the process to acquire new customer bases across the portfolio through a menu of unique and innovative guest experiences designed to absorb them into nature, history, culture and community, and into the centre of their own adventure.


"We have chosen to acquire each property on the basis that we not only love the location but also have a real desire to provide the highest of standards in comfort and care."
Andrew Browsword

Our client was looking for a disruptor. A candidate that can deliver change with a different perspective, angle and though process. Working well with the local community so as to enrich the customer journey and create more touch points in terms of experience for their guests.

The hospitality and hotel industry has become more immersive with guests wanting to be taken on a journey. With the Brownsword portfolio based in historic cities and towns, the owner wanted a CCO to exploit these amazing opportunities and deliver to past, present and future guests.

We wanted to look for successful and proven candidates that had these experiences and who have created a positive impact and change in their current role.


The brief was exciting as our client was open for change. Having mapped the market considerably we approached candidates that had come from the travel sector, which has seen some incredible change in particular to customer experience and touch points. Our candidate came from a well known, global airline who had commercial and operations experience, was incredible hands on and instrumental in introducing new ideas in partnership with FTSE 500 and Fortune 500 companies that drove the client engagement.