Policy and Scope

This social value policy applies to V&C Associates and outlines our commitment towards measuring and managing the social value our organisation is creating.

We will:

  • Be accountable to our stakeholders and ensure we are taking responsibility for the role we are playing in their lives.
  • Manage our activities to maximise the social value we are creating.
  • Develop organisational best practice around the way our activities create value through outcomes to stakeholders.


Through our integrated policies, V&C is committed to drive customer value and generate social, economic, and environmental benefits. We are committed to implementing strategies to benefit the lives and wellbeing of those affected by our activities within

the localities and communities in which we operate.

These include:


We are committed to collaboration and innovation; continually working to improve our products and operations for the benefit of our customers, local communities, and other stakeholders.

We will:

  • Collaborate with our customers, peers, partners, supply chain, academia and local communities.
  • Partner with voluntary groups, charitable and social enterprise organisations.
  • Support targeted initiatives aligned to global, national, and regional objectives.
  • Implement social value objectives through our workforce and supply chains.


Our people are important to us. We want everyone to have equal opportunities to grow and improve through training and personal development.

We will:

  • Promote workforce diversity by targeting harder to reach and under-represented groups and communities.
  • Provide accessible, entry-level employment and training opportunities for local people and develop future talent.
  • Upskill and develop the competence of our workforce through a structured training and development regime.
  • Implement educational programmes to promote our industry and skills.
  • Promote fairness, inclusion and respect (FIR) principles.


We are committed to championing local economies and creating opportunities for smaller sized businesses and franchisees.

We will:

  • Promote accessible entry-level opportunities for local SMEs.
  • Improve business performance, resilience and build capability.


We want to involve and empower the community to recover from Covid-19 and help bring people together to make a better place for everyone.

We will:

  • Involve and empower people in decisions that affect them.
  • Be a good neighbour, recognising the potential of our business to bring people together and promote social interaction within communities.
  • Support development of healthy, strong and resilient communities through initiatives to help them help themselves.
  • Support voluntary, charitable and social enterprise groups.
  • Be accountable to communities where we work and ensure a transparent and meaningful dialogue.
  • Take action to support the physical and mental health of employees and influence suppliers, customers, and communities in this regard.


We promise to be transparent and clear in our communication.  We will track and share our learning and best practices to help inform decisions that could affect our internal and external stakeholders.

We will:

  • Define our social value objectives and outcomes.
  • Assess risks, opportunities, and potential impacts.
  • Track and analyse performance using recognised performance measures.
  • Capture and share learning and best practice to inform decisions and drive continuous improvement in social value outcomes.
  • Communicate our impacts, developing common language and promoting key messages that are widely understood internally and externally.